Friday, June 20, 2008


I very rarely have dreams, or if I have them I just don't remember them. When I do remember them they are ODD!!! The other night I had a dream that I looked in the mirror and I was all wrinkled and had these huge jowls, it really freaked me out. I think my subconscious is telling me I need to buy a better moisturizer.

A couple of years ago I had the strangest dream ever...I was having sex...with Dave Chappelle. OK, let me first say, I never have sex dreams especially ones that include famous people. The weird thing is, I had never seen the Dave Chappelle Show, so I have no idea why he crept in my dream.

The dream went like this...

I'm having sex with Dave Chappelle and I'm thinking in my head, "Wow, I'm having sex with Dave Chappelle and it sucks!" Then, after we're done, I call my friend Diana and tell her about my experience. Then I ask her, "Do you think if I call Rod Ryan at The Buzz on Monday morning and tell him that I had sex with a famous person he would give my Papa Roach tickets???" Then I woke up. Only I would have a sex dream that was anti-climactic with a famous person that I don't even find attractive. At the time, I was going to a very gifted therapist and when I told her about the dream she told me that it wasn't actually about sex, the sex represented my life and the fact that I was not satisfied with the sex meant that I was not satisfied with my life. I'm still not sure what the Papa Roach tickets signified.

Until next time...



d.g. said...

You could have saved a bunch of money, simply by asking ME what that whole debacle of a dream meant. Because, clearly, any fool can see, it means that there is something wrong with your brain!


Anonymous said...

Did you dream yourself away?