Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Conversations with a friend - 2

This conversation took place a couple of months ago...

Mandy: I think I want to get a pet.
J: Here we go again, what kind of dog do you want this time?
Mandy: I don't want a dog.
J: Then what, a cat?
Mandy: Nope, a skunk.
J: A skunk.
Mandy: Yep, they're awful cute.
J: Uh huh. And what would you do with a skunk?
Mandy: Umm, hello...I would pet it and love it!
J: Skunks are wild animals...
Mandy: You can domesticate a skunk.
J: No you can't.
Mandy: Yes you can. Do you really think dogs and cats started off as little house pets? No, they were wild animals at one time, and they have since been domesticated.
Mandy: You don't understand, I don't want an adult skunk...I want a baby skunk. That way it would think I was it's momma and it would love me.
J: Why would it love you?
Mandy: Because it would have to.
J: You do realize when your driving and you comment on the "foul and mysterious odor," 9 times out of 10 it's a skunk you're smelling.
Mandy: I would destink the skunk.
J: You can't destink a skunk.
Mandy: Yes you can, it's like a gland or something that can be removed. That's what they do to ferrets.
J: I think you're wrong.
Mandy: No I'm not.
J: Whatever, I'm not going to argue about it. I'll talk to you later.
Mandy: OK, Bye.

**Mandy calls her mother.

Mandy: Mom, can skunks be destunk?
Mom: Yeah. It's like a gland or something...you know, like they do to ferrets.
Mandy: How do you know?
Mom: Pet stores sold skunks as pets when I was little.
Mandy: Really! Did you have one?
Mom: Uh, no.
Mandy: OK, that's what I needed to know...thanks.
Mom: Wait, why do you ask?
Mandy: So I could prove J wrong.
Mom: OK, well have fun...Bye.

**Mandy calls J back.

J: What?
Mandy: You can destink a skunk.
J: How do you know.
Mandy: I called Mom, and she said that when she was little, people had skunks as pets and their stinkers were removed.
J: OK.
Mandy: So, I'm going to get a skunk and name it Flower.
J: Why Flower?
Mandy: Haven't you ever seen Bambi..."He can call me Flower...if he wants to."
J: Uhh, No.
Mandy: Whatever, bottom line is...I was right and you were wrong.
J: That's why you called me back, to prove me wrong.
Mandy: Yep.
J: Are you good now?
Mandy: Yeah, I'm good.
J: Well, that's all that matters.
Mandy: Pretty much...I'll talk to you later, bye.
J: Bye.

Until next time...



d.g. said...

Ok, so you get your skunk-named-Flower and I'll get my owl/eagle/raven/whatever-bird-of-prey-I'm-interested-in-that-day and we'll ... be total freaks. Just like we usually are, except ... moreso.