Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Two new bloggers.

I have two friends that are blogging now!!! It's very exciting, I love reading about other people's lives.

Both of these new blogs are ladies that I knew back in high school, well actually, one I met in high school and the other I've known since the fourth grade.

The first one is Laura. This would be the Sharpie Tattoo artist. Anyway, I can't wait to read all about her life in Austin. Seriously, you must read her won't be disappointed!

The second one is Jennifer. Jennifer and her husband have been trying to have a baby for 12 she's pregnant...WITH TRIPLETS!!! So, if you want to find out what it's like to be pregnant with more than one baby, go check it out. She's even got pictures of the sonograms, you talk about freaky one of the photos you can see one baby and in the background you can see another baby's feet. It's amazing, although, not amazing enough for me to want to got through that experience.

Until next time...



Rice Spice said...

Welcome to blogdom, ladies! I'm so happy that I get to see what's going on in Laura's life now. For a while, we had lost touch :( Now I feel like I chat with her every time she blogs :)

I don't think I ever really knew Jennifer personally in high school, but I knew of her. Congrats on her trio of joy!!! How wonderful for her and her hubby!