Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I am a pillar of strength.

I have always said that I have zero will-power. I have always done everything to excess...I eat too much, I drink too much, I smoke too much, etc. This is one of the reasons why I never tried illegal drugs, I understand that I have a VERY addictive personality. If I like something, there is NO stopping me.

With that being said, I have to toot my own horn for a minute...

Last time I ate anything with a face: Sunday, June 3, 2007
Last time I ate anything that was a by-product of anything with a face: Sunday, June 3, 2007
Last time I drank a coke: Sunday, June 3, 2007
Last cigarette: Monday, June 11, 2007, 7am

That's right my friends, I am quitting smoking on top of eating like a vegan for a month. (I am doing this cold turkey! I am not using any sort of nicotine replacement therapy) I have no idea where I am channeling all this will power from, all I know is...


Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

WOOT! (to steal Diana Banana's favorite cheer..teehee) I think it's great that you are trying to quite smoking. That is awesome! Congrats on all of your accomplishments thus far with the vegan thing. It's not easy so a totally applaud you!

d.g. said...

RARRRRR!! You go, girl!!!

(I would say "Woot!" but I'll let Rice Spice have it this time) ;)

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

Oh good for you! On June 5th was my one year after having smoked for 16. Isn't that disgusting. I miss it like hell. But, it isn't as hard as I expected it to be. I still want a cigarette, but I don't really want to kill because of it. Good for you! You can do it!

Amanda said...

To Rice Spice and Hoochie...Thank you for your words of encouragment.

Laura...I can't imagine you not smoking! I have vivid memories of you and Jerry smoking my mother's cigarettes, saying you felt like Alexis Colby. Congratulations on 1 year of smoke free! I hope I can make it that long!!!

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

I loved those cigarettes. They made me feel rich! Oh, I want one. Sadly, the thing I miss the most is the actual motions of smoking. Weird, huh. So, sometimes I smoke a pen. But, it makes me feel better. Oh, and just to let you know a crayon is the same size as a cigarette. So, that helps, too! Yeah, it is weird. I still don't know what to do with my hands!

Rice Spice said...

Is that the infamous Laura commenting on here?!?! Why is it I'm not surprised about the Alexis Colby/Carrington reenactments? Congrats to Laura for a year of being smoke-free, too. Maybe you can just move on to wearing shoulder pads and sequin gowns as daywear to feel rich rather than holding a cigarette... I'd think you were rich :)