Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You Are Not Helping

I've said before that I read a lot of blogs, and some of them are "mommy blogs." But, the mommy blogs I read don't just talk about their kids, they talk about politics, current events, jobs, etc. Now, what I'm about to say might offend some people.

If these moms treat their kids the way they talk about treating their kids, this world is headed for trouble. Here are some thoughts from a child-free by choice person...

1. You are not the first woman to ever give birth.

Seriously, women have been shootin' out babies since the beginning of time. I understand that child birth is a "miracle" but women have babies EVERY DAY! I read one woman's blog (who doesn't work, her blog is her job.) who said, "I might not post every day, you know, because I'm 7 months pregnant." I don't give a rat's ass. If that's your job, then that's your job. I worked with a woman who went to work every day and even went into labor at work. All you do is sit there and write, and I'm sure you have a laptop so you could probably sit in your bed and write.

2. My child is special!

NO THEY ARE NOT! Unless your child graduated from Harvard at 12 years old, they are not special. Now, don't get me wrong, my mother told me and my sister when we were growing up that we were special TO HER. I feel like these mothers are doing their children a disservice. If they continue to tell their kids how "special" they are, then these kids are gonna grow up thinking that everyone should treat them "special." And, you know as well as I do, that NO ONE gets special treatment in an entry-level job.

3. Is my oldest child still going to feel loved when the second child arrives?

The only way your oldest child is going to feel unloved is if you ship them off to live with someone else. I just read that a woman started SOBBING at the doctor's office when he told her she was in labor. She was worried that her son would quit loving her. WHAT? Seriously. I know I don't have kids, but this just seems irrational. My thought is...if you're that worried about it, don't have a second child.

Now, before you start leaving comments on how I don't know what I'm talking about because I don't have kids, just know that these are my opinions. And believe me, hearing things like, "I can't get to work on time....I'm a mom now." are really irritating to those of us who aren't "a mom now."

Until next time...



Karen M. Peterson said...

You don't have kids. You don't know what you're talking about!

Okay, I just had to say that!

The truth is that I couldn't agree with you more! (Of course, I also don't have kids, so I don't understand either.)

Janet said...

I don't have kids either, and may I just add my own rant? I get so tired of co-workers being able to shirk responsibilities because of their kid's activities and such.

Someone actually SAID to me at work the other day that so and so shouldn't have to work as many Saturdays as I do, "Because it interferes with HER family time." Violence very nearly ensued.

Amanda said...

I forgot about that one...that pisses me off too. When I worked at an establishment that was open seven days a week I was always told, "But, it's not a problem for you to work weekends or holidays...you don't have a family."

I don't? Wow, what do you call a mother, a sister, grandparents, and nephews? Jackasses!

d.g. said...

I have a child, and I still think that 90% of the "mommy bloggers" out there need to chill the fuck out already. Our moms didn't know half the stuff we know today, nor did they obsess over every little aspect of our development, and I think we all turned pretty damn good, don't you agree?

d.g. said...

Oh ... if you don't want to work overtime or weekends so you can spend more time with your family, do what I do and (gasp!) work for a company that doesn't require that. What a concept! And so much easier than making the childless people always pick up the slack (while plotting your murder behind your back!).

Who DOESN'T enjoy the weekend?!?

Unknown said...

Thank you Mandy! I applaud everything you say & second it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a new reader to your blog, and I couldn't agree more with the first post I've read! Kudos for everything you said!