Sunday, February 18, 2007

I'm almost over my PTSD!!!

OK, well...on Valentine's Day I got a call from a friend of mine that I had not seen in quite a while. He lives in another city and was in Houston for the evening and asked if I wanted to go to dinner that night. Now, one thing you should know about this mand is...he's married with a couple of kids. So, I went and picked him up after work (another person who doesn't know Houston, and I've already explained my reservations about being a passenger with someone who is not familiar with this city.) When I got to his hotel room we hugged and did the normal, "IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!" Blah Blah Blah... Then he tells me that he was just looking at my myspace page. I didn't think anything of it. So, off we go. I told him I was perfectly happy going to a little place that would not be crowded and he said that he wanted to take me somewhere nice. So, as you can imagine, everywhere we went there was an hour to an hour and a half wait. So, we ended up at Katz's Deli. Not all that nice, but there was no wait! We had a couple of drinks, talked about our families etc. You know, the same stuff you talk about with anyone you haven't seen in many months. Then we get back in the car and off we go back to his hotel. While we were driving, he said that he wanted me to come back up to his room so I could show him the pictures on my myspace page. (For those of you who do not have a myspace page, if you do not have an account you can not access the posted pictures on someone's page.) As you are reading this, I'm sure you know where I'm going. There is one thing everyone should know about me...I DO NOT KNOW WHEN SOMEONE IS HITTING ON ME. If a man came up to me and started humping my leg, someone would look at me and say, "He's hitting on you." And I would reply, "No he's not, he's just being friendly!" So, while we are in the car we start listening to a Staind CD. At this point, he grabs my right hand. When I asked him what he was doing, he told me he was looking at my nail polish. I was like, "OK" (I know, I know, I tend to be quite naive at times.) So, we get to the hotel, and I am still oblivious, and off we go into the hotel room. Once we are in the hotel room, he told me to show him the pictures so I sat down in the computer chair and once I moved the mouse, the screen saver went away and there was my myspace page. So I tried to log on and the internet went down. While the computer was connecting with the internet, he spun my chair around and started KISSING me. Now, as you can imagine, all sorts of things were swimming through my head. So, while his lips were on mine, I managed to say (muffled because of the lips on lips) "What are you doing?" He pulled back from me and told me that he has always been attracted to me. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! I reminded him that he was married and he basically said, "So." Then he asked me, "Don't you find me attractive?" I explained to him that I did, but because he was married there was no way in HELL that I was going to sleep with him. While all of this is going on, I think he morphed into an octopus. When I would move his hand from my chest, another one would appear on my ass, then when I would remove that hand another one would appear on my lower back. It was very strange. Then I asked him, "What about your wife?" His answer was so simple, it caught me off guard. Are you ready for this..."She's not here." WHAT! Anyway, he told me, "You are a very attractive woman!" I came back with a half whine half yell, "NO I'M NOT!" He kept asking me why, so I finally grabbed his left hand and put in next to mine. Since he is married he has a band on his finger. I simply told him something I remembered from long ago on Sesame Street..."One of these things in not like the other!" So, I finally said that I was going home, at least he walked me to my car so I wouldn't get pawed by a complete stranger. So, on my drive home he called me and asked if I was mad at him, I told him no I wasn't mad at him, but he really FREAKED me out! So, the next day at work he called me and again asked if I hated him, I told him I did not and that was that. You know what people, in a million years I would have never expected that to happen. I never was scared, just freaked out. The one thing that did make me mad is that he never once apologized for his actions. But, what do you expect...He's a man. And if there are any men reading this...yes, I know that all men are not like this. Anyway, so the Valentine's Day that started out so nice with the flowers from someone I didn't really know ended with me having a touch of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder! I'm much better now.

Speaking of the guy who sent me flowers, Hook-Up, he seems to be a REALLY nice guy. He has been in Harlingen all weekend since his father passed away. We have talked every day! The funeral was Thursday and on Friday I got a text message from him. It said, "Should I get a tongue piercing?" Now, any of you who know me know that I think piercings and tattoos are SEXY! So, I texted him back, "You should so get a your tongue pierced, but maybe not in Mexico." I got a message back, "Too late!" Then he sent me a picture of him with his tongue sticking out with a silver stud through it. HOT, HOT, HOT! He called me, and of course his speech is a little distorted. He told me he got a tattoo also. (I think he went to Hoochie's School of Drinking.) Anyway, let me ask all of you a question, how do you uninvite someone to the Rodeo. Originally, I had invited Front Loader, but I would rather go with Hook-Up. So, if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

Single women at some point or another eventually are faced with "Mr. Married Guy Who Wants to Hook Up". It's sad on their part, but even sadder that they think you would go through with it. Nutbags, I tell ya!

As for the un-inviting someone...I say a "white lie" is in order. Tell him you had a friend whose father just passed away, and you wanted to spend more time with them. Altogether, that's not a're just leaving out that you just flat-out much rather go with Hookup than Frontloader. You owe neither of these men any excuses for your actions, but at the same time you don't want to come across as a raging bitch ;) That from the Jacky School of Single Life for 5 years prior to Baby...hehe

d.g. said...

OMG, I have no clue who you're talking about, but DAMN, I can't believe he did that to you!!! What kind of friend would do that to another friend? He should have known how freaked out you would be, but like you said, he's a MAN and we all know what that means ...

I agree with Jacky ... a little white lie is definitely in order, and that particular lie is as close to the truth as possible. Go with that ... and have fun.

Also, I totally resemble that remark about the Hoochie School of Drinking!!! But you know, if people are following my example, and learning how to REALLY get drunk, which always ends with tattoos and/or piercings, shouldn't I be getting tuition payments from these people? What kind of establishment am I running anyway? Sigh.