Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Good evening all! Yesterday, I spent the day with my friend Doodlebug. As you all know, Doodlebug and Movie Buff are having SERIOUS issues at the moment. So, I took off work yesterday so she would not have to be by herself. When I got to her house, she asked me if we could just drive, so of course we got in the car and drove. We went to a coffee shop on Westheimer called Brazil and sat and had coffee and just talked. She made the comment that she just wants to curl up in a little ball and stay there forever, that's when it hit me...We are all like doodlebugs. You know how when you go to pick up a doodlebug they curl up, then when you put them back down and leave them alone for a moment they stretch out and go about their business. It's hard for me to see my friend in so much pain. I would really like to kick Movie Buff for putting his family through all of this. I often wonder...Why do men suck? Can anyone answer that question. Why is it so easy for men to just pick up and leave? I know that all men aren't like this, but there sure are a lot that do. So kiddos, when life has got you down just remember you can curl up in a little ball, but eventually you have to stretch out and face the world and go about your business.

Until next time...

Single Girl

P.S. Please keep Doodlebug and her little Doodles in your thoughts, mental hugs always work for me! : )


d.g. said...

Excellent ... we ARE just like doodlebugs (though in my backwardsass family, we call them "peel bugs"). Very fitting, now that I know the reason for the name change.

Tell Doodlebug I will send many, many good thoughts her way!!