Thursday, February 7, 2008


Well, Ginger & I have decided to postpone our trip to the cabin. The reason is, it is located in the "Piney Woods" of East Texas and the couple of times I've been amongst the pine trees my allergies go into overdrive. Currently, I am infected with the web-borne cooties that Rice Spice had last week and I would like to be congestion-free when we make the trip out there. Call me weird but being able to breathe just seems like a good idea. So, it looks like we are going to have a quiet weekend while I load up on Robitussin.

The reason the title of this post is "Help!" is because Ginger brought up Valentine's Day. In case you didn't know, I think Valentine's Day is the DUMBEST "holiday" ever! When the ex and I were together we decided not to do the whole "V-Day" thing. But, Ginger seems really hip to the whole idea of it. Here's my questions...What do you get a man for Valentine's Day? One thing you should all take into consideration is, we've only been dating for around a month and a half. I think this is more a question directed at Mr. Enigma since he is the only man I know that reads my blog. What would you like to receive from your significant other? What is appropriate? What is too much? What is not enough? What would be considered a "masculine" Valentine's gift? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

I know Enigma is the resident expert in all things men, but I think I'll take a stab at it, too. I think at only one month, you giving him something of a material nature may be a little much (unless you guys have moved to a super close level super fast). A nice gesture would probably be better like taking him to dinner. Not that you probably don't already go out to dinner, but pick a REALLY nice place you wouldn't normally frequent or something extremely romantic and not necessariy expensive - you'll have to do some research. Just tell him you've planned the evening and that you'll be by to pick him up at whatever time and to be dressed. Men are usually the ones that tend to make the dinner reservations and send the flowers. I don't think you should send him flowers or anything, but you be the one to have already made reservations at a nice restaurant, and YOU pay for dinner. I've found that guys really enjoy when they get a night of being "courted" instead of having to always have to do the courting....especially in the beginning. It's kind of a way for the girl to let them know "wow, she really likes me." AND...even he's stuck with having to figure out what to get you since you've taken what would've been his idea.

I'm pretty non-traditionalist in my dating skills and am rather aggressive. So I don't know if this is something you would feel comfortable doing or if you prefer to remain traditional with him setting up and paying for dinner. If so, then my suggestion won't work and I'll go back to the drawing board.

sublimenigma said...

Wow, expert, I'm flattered. You'd probably do well to stear clear of anything I might advise.
Still, you've asked, so here it is:
Depending on the guy, Rice Spice's idea would be fantastic. It's the kind of thing that he won't forget and will talk about to his friends for quite some time.
It could maybe backfire, but I think you'd know based on the kind of guy he is.
Nice one Mrs. Spice.

Outside of that, something small is in order. You don't want to freak him out with matching rings or something one month in. Don't laugh, that happened to a friend (at 3 months I think)...
The idea is to touch on something you know he enjoys, but more as a token. To show that you pay attention and are thinking of him, but don't want to make a huge thing of it yet.
If he's into golf, maybe a cool divot tool or ball marker. They are small, inexpensive, but he'll use them every time he plays.
That's just an example though...if he's into music, a mix of hard to find tunes purchased from itunes, not too expensive, and it shows you took the time.

The trick is not to be extravagant, but to let him know you care. Though...that's a great way to approach any gift I think.

Keep in mind, I'm not big on Valentine's, I joke about Steak and a BJ day, and I'd personally be happy with a cute card and a good kiss from my significant other.
If you get a good idea and just want to bounce if off of someone, shoot me an email.

Best of luck, and congrats on all the happiness you've been enjoying lately! :p

Anonymous said...

2 WORDS........

VIDEO GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Rice Spice said...

It is true that my idea could backfire if he's the type of guy that would get offended with you taking the reigns or that he is more of a traditionalist and doesn't want his lady paying for him. Enigma is right to say that you're gift should you buy him something shows you paid attention. I like his suggestions. I was dating a guy a few years ago who was really getting into microbrewed beers (who drinks that shit anyway?). Anyway, I went to Specs and made a basket of all these different types of beers for him to try. Focus on one of his interests and get him something small.

Amanda said...

Thank you all for your suggestions, I will figure something out this weekend and let you all know what I decide.

Rice Spice said...

You're mom was commenting when I was. Single Mom, now that is a PERFECT idea. If he likes video games, then there you go!!!! Done deal, I would think.