Sunday, January 21, 2007

The weekend in review

Good morning! Well, it's 9am Sunday morning and I thought I would do a little recap of the weekend so far.

Before I get started I have a couple of names to add to my "code names"

Big Daddy - My boss from my previous job
Mrs. Big Daddy - Big Daddy's wife

So, Friday after work I went to the home of the Big Daddy's. I was just going to drop some stuff off and had said that I WAS NOT GOING TO DRINK. But, Big Daddy said that a couple that we worked with were coming over and they were all going out to have a couple of drinks and that's all it took my friends...I was going out! Now everyone knows a couple of drinks IS NEVER just a couple of drinks. We got back to Casa de Big Daddy at 2:30a. Ok, I have to tell you, I get up at 4a during the week, so Friday night I was up almost 24 hours. When we were at the last bar, I finally pushed my beer aside and said "I can't drink ANYMORE." Now, as you all know, I am 30 years old. My body tends to punish me after an evening like that. Why is it when you are in your early 20's you can stay out all night and go to work the next day and not have any problems. I mean seriously, when I was 22-24 I could go out, drink heavily, and shake my ass all night long and go to work the next day, now I'm like "just let me sleep and hook some gatorade up to through an IV drip!" Sorry, I'm rambling...Anyway, so I woke up around 10a on Saturday at Big Daddy's, got my stuff together went home and went back to bed and slept until 3p. So Saturday was pretty much gone. But, I had my sort of date with Dallas to get ready for.

So, Dallas picks me up at 6:30p, and when I get to the car he has a single pink rose for me, it was very sweet. I asked him where we were going and he said..."To the Melting Pot." I LOVE THE MELTING POT! If you have never been, you have to go, it's fondue. I went to the one in Scottsdale, AZ but had not been to the one here in Houston. We had a really good time. Since I don't cook, he pretty much watched the meat going in the fondue pot, luckily he knows when chicken is done. Anyway, if you don't want a full meal of fondue at least go and have dessert! OH MY GOD! We had S'mores chocolate. It was SO not WW approved, but I don't care. If you haven't been...go! So after fondue, we went to The Stag Head. Since I had drank my face off the night before, I really wasn't in the mood for drinks, but he had put a lot of thought into all this and we had met a couple that we have been friends with forever, so I had three beers and around 12:30a I told him I was ready to go. All in all we had a good time, I don't think I could ever be romantic with Dallas, but we do have fun when we hang out.

I am calling a gentleman from the personals tonight at 7p. We have been emailing back and forth for the past couple of days, I think we might go to dinner sometime this week. So, wish me luck and pray that he's not a serial rapist and killer!

Until next time...

Single Girl