Thursday, January 25, 2007

Random Thoughts

Well, I did not go to WW tonight. I had to go to Office Depot after work, so I left a little early and I got to the place where we have our meetings way before time and I did not feel like go back over there. So, no weight update this week.

I've got to say, I feel like a kid in a candy store looking on Yahoo Personals. There are so many men, and they come in all different flavors. Some are tall, some are short, some are chunky (being a person "of size" I don't EVER use the F word.) some are thin, you get the point. It's really weird, normally in a bar setting I'm so afraid of rejection I will not go and just talk to people. But, when you're just emailing people it's almost like it doesn't matter. I guess it's because you don't have to take that long walk of shame back to the table after some guy has just said no to your invitation to dance. If I email someone and they don't email me back, I'm like "Oh well, let me see who else is on here." So, I think this will be a good experience for me. It's hard being single when all your friends are married or in relationships or have children. When you want to go out, they can't or don't want to, it gets lonely being single.

On another note, I have a questions...

Why is that when you go in public with a guy that you have told you don't want to be in a relationship with feels the need to keep one hand on you at all times. It's almost like they are dogs marking their territory. I CAN'T STAND THAT! Like they're making a point to let all of the other men know that you are their property. Even when I was in a serious relationship, I didn't like that. Men are dumb! And you know what else irritates me...Needy people.

"Did you notice that I held the door open for you?"
"Did you see how fast I pulled the lighter out to light your cigarette?"

And my favorites are when people want praise for things your SUPPOSED to do...

"My pinky finger hurt today and I went to work anyway, aren't you proud of me?"


Sometimes I think our generation is really screwed up. It seems like a lot of people, men and women, that are Generation X'ers need praise for everything. For example, I worked with a girl that actually said in a meeting that it would be nice for salespeople to say "Thank you" when she ordered product for their customers. The thing was, she was in feelings are, your "Thank you" is your paycheck. Now, don't get me wrong...if you go above and beyond your job description, then yes you should get a thank you, atta girl, great job, or something. My grandparents helped raise me and they were from the Depression Era, we have never been through anything like what they went through and maybe they are the reason I feel the way I do. It could also be because I was raised by a single mother that worked in an all male industry. I learned very young that when you work hard you can accomplish anything. You have no idea how glad I am they made me realize that you have to work for everything you get. Please don't think I'm clumping all of the X'ers in one group, because I'm not, but it just seems like a lot of the X'ers expect more than what they give. Sorry if I've offended anyone, I don't know what got me on that tangent I guess I just had to get all of that off my chest. Thanks for reading my rants!

Until next time...

Single Girl


Rice Spice said...

I think it's great that you get to see these guys pics. It's fun getting to walk down the buffet line and seeing your choices before you put something on your plate, isn't it?

I know I've been Miss Dodging-Everyone-Right-Now, but when I get situated after my move this weekend, we'll go out for a drink. My friends and I try to go out at least once a week (even though it was starting to seem more like Thursday thru Sunday) to release our work-week frustrations. I'll call you. And hopefully Diana Banana can join us, too!

Amanda said...

Please don't think I posted this to make people feel bad for me...I was just in a pissy mood last night.

Single Girl

d.g. said...

Girl, the whole reason you have a blog is so you can vent ... don't ever apologize for anything that you say. It's your right to have your own opinion, and if someone doesn't like it? Well, no one is holding a gun to their head, making them read it, now are they?

I'm glad you're really getting into the personals. I think it will be a much better way to meet a guy ... most of the guys in the bars are after only a one-night fling, as we all know. The ones that take the time to set up a personal's account are after the same thing as you are, so the chances of meeting "the One" are that much better.