Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, I went to Buzzfest this weekend. IT WAS AWESOME!!! We arrived at the Woodlands Pavillion around 12:30 the first band went on at around 1p. The line-up was amazing!

On the main stage we saw...

Smile Empty Soul
Papa Roach
Three Days Grace
Puddle of Mud

On the side stage we saw...


Papa Roach has to be one of my FAVORITE bands at the moment, but then I saw Buckcherry. They SOOO should have been on the main stage. Anyway, for those of you who don't know me...I am the color of aspirin. When I found out about Buzzfest, I decided to start tanning and I actually did get a little color going. Well, as you read earlier in the post we arrived at the Woodlands Pavillion around 12:30p and we did not leave until around 10p. Guess what my stupid ass didn't do before I went in...I FORGOT TO PUT ON SUNBLOCK!!! But, you would think at a function like that, there would be sunblock for sale, guess what, there wasn't any to be found. Apparently, vendors were not allowed to bring liquids into the venue. How stupid is that??? Luckily, once I realized that I was starting to burn a lady at the front gate had some SPF 50 sunscreen and took pity upon me, unfortunately it was too late. The burn had set in, but here is the weird part...I am only burnt on the right side of my body. I guess it's because of where the sun was, I don't know, but I will say I have the strangest tan lines ever. I wore capri pants and a short sleeved shirt, so my right arm is burnt from right under my shoulder all the way to my finger tips, my hair was in two braids so my scalp is burnt right down the center, the top of both shin bones are burnt, my right ear is crisp, and my neck (just on the right side) looks like I should be sittin' bitch in a chevy pickup. It's HORRIBLE!!! Fortunately, I had put moisturizer and foundation on that morning and both of those had an SPF of 15, so all I really got on my face was freckles. Here's a random questions, when you go in the sun and get freckles, why do the freckles stack on top of each other? Why can't they, like, connect? Anyway, as you all know, I went to Buzzfest with Hook-up. I am a firm believer in if something seems to good to be true, it pobably is. Well, this whole time I was thinking how perfect Hook-up is. He's nice, sweet, wants to go and do cool stuff, and we have a lot of fun together. Here's the but...I've noticed he drinks A LOT! And if you know me, you know that I can usually hold my own when drinking. So, if I think he drinks a lot, there might be a problem. I'll tell you when it hit me...the night before we went to Buzzfest, I made the comment that I would probably not drink until about 5:30p or 6p, you know once it started cooling off a little. I did not want to get dehydrated. Once I made that statement, he agreed with me. Well, when we got there we both got bottles of water and went and sat on the hill. Right before the show started, he told me he was going to the restroom, when he came walking back he had a beer in his hand and said that he couldn't handle the temptation. You are probably reading this and thinking I am overreacting, well then I started thinking about all the drinking he does. He is at Happy Hour at least 4 nights a week, he will get there between 3p-4p and stay until about 8p then he will go home, take a shower get dressed and go to the GYM!!! That can't be healthy, I didn't think you were supposed to drink then go and work out. Anyway, he also told me sometimes he'll drink a couple of beers at lunch. Then, on the weekends he'll go and get totally fucked up. Don't get me wrong, I've been known to let loose and drink entirely too much on the weekends, but I don't typically drink during the week. (At least I try not to.) Anyway, I hope I don't sound like a total hypocrite. Well,

Until next time...

Single Girl


d.g. said...

EEK! So sorry about the sunburn, especially the scalp one ... I put Em's hair in two buns for the beach one time, and her scalp burned, too. It looked so PAINFUL!!!

Glad you had fun ... you lucky biotch! That line-up was freakin' AMAZING!!!

Rice Spice said...

The line-up was pretty spectacular. I LOVE Buckcherry. Sunburns suck. I've only experienced it once in my lifetime on my shoulders after (coincidentally) Buzzfest over 10 years ago, but I recall it wasn't pleasant or pretty.

As for your concerns with Hook-up, I won't go on defense about his weekday drinking (because I really don't drink either during the week - 2 jobs just don't allow it), but I can understand the whole being at an afternoon music festival. I probably wouldn't have been able to resist an icy cold one either. Did he at least pace himself or start slamming down drinks from the get-go?

sublimenigma said...

Doesn't everyone drink for four or five hours before working out?

That's not just me is it?