Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Hope" & "Change"

I'm sure those of you who know me personally know that I'm not the happy, chipper Mandy I normally am.

I went into this election knowing that Obama would most likely be our next president, but I still held on to the hope that McCain would win. I thought I had prepared myself for the obvious outcome, but as I flipped from Fox News to ABC News to CNN I realized I hadn't prepared enough. When I watched John McCain give his concession speech, I sat on my couch and cried. I went to bed before Obama spoke, I couldn't watch it. This has been a long and emotional election and I am glad that it is finally over, even though I am not happy with the outcome. I can't say that I'm not a little worried, a Democrat President, Senate and Congress, but hopefully things will work out. President Elect Obama has promised a lot of "hope" and change" to the American public, we will see if he will make good on his promises or if it will be another "Read my lips, no new taxes" scenario. (I don't make anywhere near $250,000, we shall see if my taxes go down.)

To the Republicans...we have got to get our shit together. I'm not sure when the face of the Republican party turned into a shirtless, overall wearing, one tooth in his head, quit school in the 5th grade Jim Bob, but apparently this is how we are viewed. Let's take the next two years and regroup and hopefully 2010 will be a repeat of 1994.

Until next time...



Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more, Mandy...I hope and pray that all the rumors about him are untrue.

Laura Funkyjunk Suarez said...

Ah, he will do fine. He is inheriting two wars, a depression, and a country that is pissed. But, be optimistic. He's not the devil. He seems to actually want to do things to help the country. McCain's speech was nice. It really was. But, have hope. A country is pretty near united across race, financial, and even political lines for the first time in a long time. That alone beats the hell out of the broken country we all felt like we were part of a year ago (or a couple of months ago). So, pep up! It's good to stir things up every now and again!

Amanda said...

I fully intend to respect our new president. I am first and foremost an American, and if this is what the majority of America wants I will be as supportive as possible.